Check log files with grep
I sometime need to check some logs and I do this with this command:
egrep -o "p1|p2|...|pn" filename | sort | uniq -c
egrep -o "success|error|fail" test_file | sort | uniq -c
Sample input:
test started at 00:00 test delete fail test error test connect success test insert success test started at 00:00 test delete fail test error test connect success test insert success test started at 00:00 test delete fail test error test connect success test insert success test started at 00:00 test delete fail test error test connect success test insert success
Sample output:
4 error 4 fail 8 success
How it works?
egrep -o "success|error|fail" test_file
From grep manual:
egrep – print lines matching a pattern
-o – Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line.
“success|error|fail” – patterns
test_file – input file
If we run only egrep -o “success|error|fail” test_file we get this:
fail error success success fail error success success fail error success success fail error success success
next we need to send grep output to sort:
| sort
From sort manual:
sort – sort lines of text files
After sort is completed we have this:
error error error error fail fail fail fail success success success success success success success success
now we need to send sort output to uniq command:
| uniq -c
From uniq manual:
uniq – report or omit repeated lines
-c – prefix lines by the number of occurrences
After this, we have what we wanted:
4 error 4 fail 8 success
This is all for today. I hope that this will help you to check huge log files!
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