
Tag Archives of : mikrotik

Bandwidth usage report per IP address

I created a simple python script for collecting data from mikrotik accounting (documetation) feature. Here is my “” script: all you need to change is router_ip variable to match your router IP after that you can run this script simply with this command: python this will collect data from...

Send telegram messages from Mikrotik RouterOS

If you are here you probably already know what telegram is. If not you can read about it here. I created a simple script (SendToTelegram) that allows you to send messages to telegram: :global telegramMessage :local botid :local chatid set botid "sdfzgasf7126jwsd7a8s12>" # <- change this set chatid "21156423187"...

Programatically change ports on Mikrotik RouterOS

I created a simple script, that can help you change ports on your Mikrotik router How to use in my script fill array with port aliases: :global PFVports {http="80";ssh="22";https="443";ftp=23}; add a comment to your NAT rule, that starts with “PFV_” and folows with port alias like that: Now run...

gmail configuration for Mikrotik router OS mail

Usually I would say something about the tool that I talk about, but this time a quote from (link) will do the job: E-mail tool is the utility that allows to send e-mails from the router. Tool can be used to send regular configuration backups and exports to...

Step by Step: How to configure a PPTP VPN Server on Mikrotik RouterOS

Intro Before I started to wrote this post, I thought that would be nice to say some word about PPTP VPN and Mikrotik RouterOS, but then I realized that if you are reading this, there is no need to explain what is PPTP VPN server or Mikrotik RouterOS. Here is a simple step...