
Bandwidth usage report per IP address

I created a simple python script for collecting data from mikrotik accounting (documetation) feature. Here is my “” script: all you need to change is router_ip variable to match your router IP after that you can run this script simply with this command: python this will collect data from...

Send telegram messages from Mikrotik RouterOS

If you are here you probably already know what telegram is. If not you can read about it here. I created a simple script (SendToTelegram) that allows you to send messages to telegram: :global telegramMessage :local botid :local chatid set botid "sdfzgasf7126jwsd7a8s12>" # <- change this set chatid "21156423187"...

Programatically change ports on Mikrotik RouterOS

I created a simple script, that can help you change ports on your Mikrotik router How to use in my script fill array with port aliases: :global PFVports {http="80";ssh="22";https="443";ftp=23}; add a comment to your NAT rule, that starts with “PFV_” and folows with port alias like that: Now run...

BGInfo – Script for Local IP, Public IP and ISP Name

I recently created 3 scripts for BGInfo … If you need it, use it ;) Local IP.vbs I found this script at and adapted to my needs. I removed VMware local IP, because I don’t need it strMsg = "" strComputer = "."   Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"...

Connectify Hotspot 2015

Connectify Hotspot 2015

I was on vacation in Germany and as usually I carried my laptop, smartphone, iPad and other “Wi-Fi devices” with me… When we arrived in hotel I asked for Wi-Fi access. They asked me for how many devices and I said that for 6 devices. After a while I...

We released our new game Battleship!

I’m proud to announce that me and my friend released our new game:  Battleship Description: Battleship (also Battleships or Sea Battle) is a classic board game for two players. Before play begins, each player arranges their ships on their grid. Each ship occupies a number of consecutive squares on...